Penalties for DUIs in South Carolina
The State of South Carolina takes charges of driving under the influence (DUI) very seriously, and the associated penalties reflect this fact. Because you could face steep fines, a driver’s license suspension, and even jail time due to a DUI charge, you shouldn’t wait to consult with an experienced Greenville DUI defense attorney.
Driving under the Influence
The charge of DUI in South Carolina refers to driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 percent or higher, but this isn’t the end of the matter. Even if your BAC is below the legal limit, you can be slapped with a DUI charge if the police contend that your ability to drive safely was demonstrably impaired by alcohol. In other words, DUI charges are common, and arresting officers don’t need a good deal of proof to bring them.
Breaking Down DUI Charges
DUI charges in South Carolina are broken down into several basic categories that build upon themselves. Driving with an unlawful alcohol concentration – or DUAC – is a distinct charge from DUI, and it refers to driving with a BAC of .08 or higher. Since the penalties, however, are identical, the terms DUAC and DUI can be used interchangeably in each category.
DUI First Offense – Refused to Give Breath Sample
A DUI first offense conviction in which you refused to give a breath sample can lead to all the following penalties:
- Up to 30 days in jail
- Fines of up to $1,067 or at least 48 hours of community service
- Six months of ignition interlock device restrictions
- The successful completion of an Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program (ADSAP)
- Three years of SR-22 insurance for high-risk drivers
To make things that much more difficult, a conviction for DUI first offense with refusal to give a breath sample is never expungable, and this applies to every DUI charge moving forward.
DUI First Offense – Breath Sample Less than .1 Percent
If convicted of a first offense DUI with a breath sample that is less than .1 percent, all the same penalties listed above apply except that the fine is $1,092.
DUI First Offense – Breath Sample from .1 Percent to .15 percent
For a first offense DUI with a breath sample of from .1 to .15 percent, the fines increase to $1,299 – or community service of at least 72 hours – but all the other penalties remain the same.
DUI First Offense – Breath Sample .16 percent or higher
If you are charged with a first DUI offense and your breath sample reads .16 percent or higher, you will be looking at fines and penalties that include all the following:
- At least 30 days – and up to 90 – in jail
- Fines of up to $2,125 – or 30 days of community service
- Six months of ignition interlock restrictions
- Three years of SR-22 insurance for high-risk drivers
- Successful completion of an ADSAP
From here, penalties become progressively harsher.
Consult with an Experienced Greenville DUI Defense Attorney Today
The trusted Greenville DUI defense attorneys at Ryan Beasley Law are committed to skillfully fighting for your rights in fierce pursuit of an optimal case outcome that supports your rights and your future. Learn more by contacting us online or calling us at 864-679-7777 today.
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