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Are There Any Defenses to a Supervised Release Violation?

Supervised release in South Carolina is the term used for parole, which is a form of early release that is generally considered highly beneficial. With supervised release, however, come strict requirements, and any violation of these requirements can land you back behind bars. If you’re facing a charge that relates to a supervised release violation, an experienced Greenville criminal defense attorney can help. 

The Standard Conditions of Probation

If you receive supervised release, the conditions you’ll need to conform to will be specific to your case, but the basic conditions that are often implemented include all the following:

If You’re Found in Violation of Your Early Release Terms

If you’re charged with being in violation of your early release conditions, there are two basic paths forward, including:

Building a Strong Defense

The fact is that there are valid defenses in the face of an alleged supervised release violation, and the surest path forward is with a well-informed criminal defense attorney in your corner. Your attorney will spare no effort in building your strongest defense, which includes the following:

The judge who presides over your hearing will determine the appropriate course of action in your unique case, and their potential actions include:

Working closely with a determined criminal defense attorney can make a serious difference in the outcome of your hearing.

An Experienced Greenville Criminal Defense Attorney Is Standing By to Help

The focused Greenville criminal defense attorneys at Ryan Beasley Law have an impressive track record for effecting beneficial outcomes in the face of supervised release violation allegations, and we’re on your side. Learn more by contacting us online or calling us at 864-679-7777 today.